At Sandringham Primary School, our Library is the heart of our school. Our teachers, students and parents recognise that reading can improve our spoken and written vocabulary, enhance our communication skills, strengthen our spelling ability, build our general knowledge, teach us to empathise and understand others, increase our imagination and help us think creatively.
Our Library plays a pivotal role in building a positive reading culture and fostering a love of literature at our School. All classes visit our Library each week to borrow and return books. Prep to Year 3 students attend Library with their class teacher where they explore our incredible range of fiction and non-fiction texts. Year 4 to Year 6 students take part in a Library Specialist class that focuses on developing their research skills and broadening the range of genres they read.
Prep to Year 2 students can borrow two books, Year 3 and 4 students can borrow 3 books and Year 5 and 6 can students borrow 4 books. All loans are for a two week period. Our Library is open on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at lunch time for students who like to escape the busyness of the playground. They can read, draw, sit quietly with friends or play games.
Each year we have a Book Fair to celebrate our love of reading and earn rewards points for our School. We also acknowledge Book Week by having a Dress Up Day and engaging in book related activities.