School Philosophy

“In a school that is a home for the mind there is an inherent faith that all people can continue to improve their intellectual capacities throughout life; that learning to think is as valid a goal for the “at risk”, as it is for “gifted and talented,” and that all of us have potential for even greater creativity and intellectual power.” Art Costa

Our vision is to develop, in partnership with the whole community, an effective, caring and dynamic learning community. That learning community is founded on an educational philosophy centred on the child and grounded in the belief that all students can learn and all students have a right to become effective learners. We are educating our children for the future, not merely to take their place in the future but to thrive and contribute to the world of the future.

We believe that we, as the teachers, must also be learners. It is important to continue and strengthen the partnership between staff, the students and their parents if this vision is to be achieved.