Well done Sandy Primary community!
We set ourselves a challenging goal in 2019, requiring the raising of more money than we have ever achieved in a year. It was ambitious, but after only one year of tremendous effort, work on new basketball/netball courts will commence in January and be ready for students to enjoy in Term 1, 2020.
Having exceeded the fundraising goal, we can also afford to install lights on the courts, adding to the usability of the sporting facility and making these courts a wonderful asset to both Sandy Primary and the local community.
We are grateful to announce that Minties Netball Club and Bullits Basketball Club have both contributed to the basketball/netball court project and will be using the courts for their training. These partnerships demonstrate both the generosity and community spirit of these local sporting groups, as well as our school’s commitment to encouraging students to participate in sport.
In addition to the extraordinary efforts and generosity of our school community, we say a huge thank you to Camp Australia – our school’s Out of School Hours care provider- who recently made a significant contribution to the funding of these new basketball/netball courts. Thank you to the team at Camp Australia. We also thank Coles Sandringham for their significant contribution to this project.
Finally, we need to acknowledge the vision of our School Council in setting this goal and making this project a reality. Our School Council President Lisa Foran does so much work behind the scenes to make sure this school is the best it can be. Lisa finishes her time at SPS this year and it is fitting that we have achieved such a triumphant goal before she leaves us. Lisa has driven the Master Plan that has delivered our Junior School Outdoor Play Space, our new Games Surface, and now the Basketball and Netball Courts. The word “legacy” gets used a bit, but what Lisa has contributed to our school is nothing less. Her contribution will benefit SPS students for years to come and we say a huge “thank you” for everything she has done.